The Clerk to the House of Assembly is the Chief Administrative and Accounting Officer.
As a Civil Servant, he provides both administrative and legislative advice to all Hon. Members of the Assembly.
He is the custodian of the Votes and Proceedings, Bills, Reports of House Committee and other documents laid before the House.

He is also the accounting officer of the House ensure that each member declare his/her assets and liabilities as prescribed by the constitution before such a member subscribes to the oaths of Allegiance and oaths of membership. At the opening of each day’s proceedings, the clerk, assisted with the staff ensure the distribution to members a paper, known as the order paper, which sets out the business of the day. The clerk vets the votes and proceedings of (summary of what transpired at the sitting of the House at the last sitting) each legislative day and circulates same to Hon. Members. The clerk ensures that all the resolution passed into the law are properly put as passed on vellum paper and forwarded to the Governor for assent.

In the absence of the Clerk, his duties are performed by the Deputy Clerk or the Clerk Assistant as the case may be. See Full Profile.